Saturday, April 11, 2015

Maybe one day.....

Well, I started this blog thinking at the very least I could post once or twice a month, but so far have not found a rhythm to getting that done.  I really intended to do more with it and hopefully I will very soon.

It's really hard to carve out time for everything in the day I feel like I need to get done though.  Like today for instance I've wanted to get clothes cleaned, the kids through our normal daily stuff (like meals would be good), and a library trip to return our books that are due TODAY.  Along with other "housewife duties" I should accomplish.

Yeah, so far we've all had breakfast like we should, I did get us to the library to return the books so we won't be in trouble and of course the kiddos had to get more so we will have same problem again. Only sooner because they got DVDs which you can only have for a week!!!!  We managed to go grab a card I needed to pick up and will get mailed Monday, if I remember, but then went on a play-date after a quick (not so quick because we met a friend and the kids all played while we tried to have mommy conversation) Starbucks stop. So after the play-date that ran well past lunch time it was time to stop at the drive-thru for lunch because 1pm is way to late to make them wait for food at home.  So now the youngest minion who's only 2 and a half, (you must add the half she says), she's supposed to be napping, but not of course!!! The oldest who's 7 won't go play in her room for me to think for two seconds because she's bored and has "nothing to do".  Yeah, so many toys, books, coloring/craft things in my house and there's nothing to do.

Never mind, so on to what else should be done here, oh yeah the laundry, we got some new front load washer/dryer set up and the dang thing is driving me crazy because I can't find that right setting to make it dry the clothes the first round and not be to hot to shrink things so laundry takes me forever!!!!  So the same load I started drying yesterday is still drying this afternoon, and the towels and items from the littlest ones "accident" earlier are waiting to be switched over :( Gotta love the potty training phase y'all!!!!

The dishes are piling up in the sink so I've put the child with nothing to do on task to start putting them in the dish washer since the little one and I unloaded it after breakfast.  She started doing them an hour ago, but then we got sidetracked by deleting unused apps off our iproduct of the minute.  So now she's back on track and just stopped because she thought it was full, while there's still silverware and other things in the sink. UGH!!!!! I ask why she didn't put them in because the silverware would fit even though the rest of the items won't, her response "I'm to lazy," from the girl who's bored!!!!

So yeah all that and it's only 4pm!  I'm sure I've left out something somewhere about our day or some details that I thought someone may not want to read. I still need to work on laundry, figure out dinner, then the bath/bedtime routine, I also have mending that I need to do for a friend because it's been sitting here waaaayyyyyyy to long, and the list goes on. 

All of this is kinda a normal day to day for me and it's no wonder I haven't found time to write posts very often.  I'm having trouble with what to write, do I only do tutorials, do people want to read posts like this one, should I write about life moments/lessons like my tips for moving, I don't know what my niche is and where I want this to go which is part of my reasoning for not blogging too.  I also have trouble getting away to the computer room to type and the ipad doesn't work as well for blogging especially without an actual keyboard to make typing faster.  I have an OLD laptop but it's big and chunky and sloooow, so that's not an option really, or not to help this process at least.

Anyways, lots of excuses and with no real idea of where I want to focus my blogging time it's so hard for me to sit down and focus.  Well, as the title reads: 

Maybe One Day!!!!

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