Monday, November 3, 2014

Getting Started!

Well, after spending half the afternoon trying to figure out just how in the world to start using Blogger and that I already had a blog started for something totally different I got this started!  I had planned to make my first post a quick (hopefully quick) tutorial about making a gift card holder, well, that's going to wait until the next time I have a chance to get on here and figure things out some more!!  If you can't wait the original tutorial I used for it is here: Gift card holder, but I will be making a couple changes to mine in order to make it hold more cards as I'm using it as a gift for my girls to use as play wallets and two cards is just not enough for them to pretend to carry around.  The holder I'm making will hold 4 cards and I made a velcro closure for my youngest because I felt that would be easier for her to handle.

So my little minions (as I loving refer to my children sometimes) are going to be hungry soon, so I'm off to find them something to eat while being told a story by my youngest who's 2, she's sitting next to me telling me "once upon a time, there was a kitty on my pumpkin" over and over again!  Yup, a late Halloween card came in the mail and she's now story telling :)

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